Game modes - Spindle Games

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martes, 16 de febrero de 2021

Game modes


The core game.

Spindle-ASUWADA (ethical)

Create a common future through participatory historiography.

Learn all about the power of propaganda hidden in facts and the impacting conflict with reality when trying to represent the truth.

But also, learn the healing effects of exploring the past as a foreign country and a key into the heart of our fellows.

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Spindle-SAGA (ethical)

Did you know that the Nordic Goddess Saga was able to spin strow into gold? 

That is the aim of this mode. Here, it is not so much about the facts. This mode is directed towards business representants who have already shared fact sheets, product data sheets, certificates and so on. Now, the need to express what the essence of their product and/or their company is. 

But, imaginary storytelling is not free from borders. At the end, everything must fit and make sense, not for themselves, but for their customers. 

Download the project presentation.

Shaping corporate identy through shared story creation.

Spindle-SCR (moral)

Shaping moral cohesion along UN Global Goals, or another given standard of ideal norms. This is the aim of this game mode. It is the same story creation mechanism around real people, with the difference, that they are mostly alive. Further, we introduce here the visualisation of encounters along those goals and the trade-offs required among them.

Download the project presentation.

Reconciliate conflicting goals through shared storytelling.

Spindle-LEADER (ethical)

Baudissin's Innere Führung, Inner Leadership. When killing one person in order to save a thousand lives does not feel right. When neutralizing the bad and harmful, is not converting you into a hero, but rather a villaine.

Taking ethical decision under existential constraints. 

Download the project presentation.

Shaping corporate identy through shared storytelling.

Spindle-GAP (moral) 

Shaping moral cohesion in multicultural area of operation. 

Download the project presentation.

Test your level of value coherence through shared story creation.



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